Eagle Links
- Use the following email address for all communications with the coaches: EagleCoaches.troop360satx@troopmaster.email
- Visit the Alamo Area Council Eagle Webpage
- You are required to use the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook Fillable PDF download HERE
- Troop 360 has generated the From Life to Eagle document to help Eagle Candidates navigate the Eagle rank requirements.
- The former Diamondback District provided an easy to follow Eagle Scout Process Checklist (follow the 30 Steps)
- T360 clarifications specifies recent changes and exactly who to see to carry out the 30 steps in our troop.
- Bryan on Scouting (blog) is doing a great series of before and after photos of eagle projects.
- Troop 360 has generated the “From the Board of Review to the Court of Honor” document to help parents navigate the planning and execution of this celebration.
- Troop 360 has additional Helpful Eagle Ceremony Links on the Eagle Wall page for reference.
Templates and Misc. Information
- Troop 360 Meeting Plan
- Troop 360 Instructor
- Camping Agenda Template
- Scout Gear Checklist
- Beginner Compass Game Instructions
- Rangers Campout Template
- Patrol Leader Handbook
- Personal Fitness Template
Youth Training Resources
There are lots of great troop meeting activities at
- http://www.programresources.org/activities/
- http://www.boyscouttrail.com/games.asp
- http://scoutmastercg.com/tag/games/
There are lots of great resources for youth leaders.
One of the first to look at for Patrol Leaders and Troop Guides is the “official” Patrol Leaders Handbook:
Patrol and Troop Leadership
1978 Printing, out of print, a bit dated, but arguably the best BSA publication on Scout leadership ever). Note: Thanks to Troop 7 in Hiram, GA. Troop 7 has lots more great resources on their website!
Patrol Method
The patrol method is THE method of scouting. Here is a youtube video explaining it.
Adult Training Resources
- Merit Badge Counselor Guide – a good place to see what’s involved with being a MBC.
- Mentoring Training – a guide to the BSA view on mentoring – why, how, and when.
- Scoutmaster Conference Training
Information Technology
We strive to provide as much information to scouts and their parents as they need, while protecting their valuable data as much as we can. To do this, we utilize a variety of services.
We keep all the personal, medical, and advancement data in a program called Scoutbook that allows involved leaders to monitor and access the information needed to do their jobs for your scouts. This is what we consider the “gold standard” for information, so if you need to change an address, or an email, etc, this is the one you want to update.
As a parent, you can get (read) access to your scout’s personal and advancement records – on the web or on your phone! New scouts and their parents should be able to be added on Scoutbook within two weeks of joining the troop. For more info see: https://scoutbook.scouting.org
Since you’re reading this, you know that we use troop360.net as our public and private website. In the public area, there is only a map to our public meeting place and the troop calendar, hosted through https://www.google.com/calendar. On the private side of the site, only available to troop members, is also leader contact information, a variety of camping and administrative forms, and pictures of our scouts enjoying the outdoors.
Yes, we’re on Facebook. We’ve got a group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/153176541436032/, just ask to be added.
In our Troop, we use GroupMe to keep communication simple. To receive messages such as campout return times, general troop info, and emergency updates, contact any Assistant Scoutmaster to be granted access to the Troop 360 GroupMe.
Helpful Documents
- How to Shop for your Patrol
- Menu Planner/Duty Roster
- Tent Care Instructions (what to do if you come home with a wet tent)
- Troop Tech Policy (can I bring my phone to ….?)
- Setting up Troopmaster
- Application for a Position of Responsibility
- Position Agreements (after you’ve been elected/appointed)
Scoutmaster Conference Forms
Tech Support
This webpage is primarily run by a youth leader, the Webmaster. If you have any questions about the website, want to add something to the website, want to move something on the website, want to gain access to the website, (get the drift?) look at the Information Technology tab at the bottom of this page.
Health Forms
An annual health form is required for camping. If your scout is 12+, we encourage you to have your physician review PART D which describes high adventure opportunities. There is a checkbox on PART C that shows they’ve reviewed it, and some boxes to list what kinds of events a scout can participate in.
It’s better and easier to have this completed during your annual visit rather than have another visit when you decide to participate in a high-adventure activity (yes, some are even weekend activities).
You can find the complete form at http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/ahmr.aspx
Position Application/Agreements
The scouts run Troop 360. That means that many scouts have a specific Position of Responsibility (some involve Leadership, some do not – but all are necessary for the smooth functioning of the troop).
To apply for a position, there is a single form, found here.
Once elected/appointed, leadership agreements can be found in this folder.
If elected/appointed, you need to complete a Position Mentorship Format end of 2, 4 and 6 months, and meet with your troop mentor for feedback in order to obtain rank leadership credit.
Administrative Forms
Program Planning Helps
Troop Program Features has some great ideas on troop meetings/outings/games, arranged by THEME.